The Devastating Truth About This Year’s BigHR Event
What Happened that has HR Leaders Who Skipped the Event Wanting a Redo?
We’ve been at this for a while, and I’m not one to take a negative perspective. But I keep hearing the same feedback… so I knew I had to find a solution to make things right.
The BigHR 2021 event over delivered… and you missed out.
You missed out on the energy and inspiration of the event. You missed out on the easy to implement action items.
And you missed out on a chance to re-inspire yourself at any time with access to replays that all attendees received.
There’s no blame or finger pointing. I get it, things happen.
Maybe you missed the live event because:
- We’re still fighting a pandemic and you’re not ready for live events
- You weren’t sure if the new format of TED style talks would deliver the same value you’ve come to expect.
- You’re burning the candle at both ends and couldn’t fit the time away into your overloaded schedule
Whatever the reason, here we are… needing a way to get the same inspirational lift day in and day out that your friends have access to when watching the replays.
The answer is clear, but first...
How the Most The Results Are In... And It’s The Best Feedback I’ve Ever Gotten
If you’re one of the few that hasn’t already heard how powerful the event was, then let me share just a fraction of the feedback attendees gave:
“I’m in awe and inspired! Thank you.”
“Great messages that can be applied on Monday Morning.”
“You have made me think differently and inspired me!”
“I came with a bias… she still over delivered!”
“Great ideas to implement. This is something all of us can do.”
“Loved the energy, the real world examples, and the detail provided on how to achieve success.”
“Very relevant and such easy ways to leverage in my organization.”
“You have given me renewed focus.”
“Impactful and actionable advice.”
“I am taking all you shared back with me to my company.”
So many great takeaways to apply to myself and to others around me.”
“That was awesome! Love the energy, the passion, and the humanity of the speeches was so touching.”
“Mind blown.”
Was this feedback the result of just the keynote talk? Not even close.
Every speaker provided inspiration, impact, and value that led to the comments you just read.
So who were these speakers?
The Messages You Need From Senior HR Leaders You Can Trust
Here are a few examples of high level leaders and the topics they shared:

Is Hiring for Culture Fit Hurting Your Bottom Line?
Felicia Taylor, Chief Human Resources Officer Trintech

Keep Your Eye on the Ball: A Ruthless Focus on HR Priorities
Erica Chapman, Vice President HR PepsiCo

Diversity, Inclusion, & You: 4 Steps to Overcoming Our Implicit Bias
Jonathan Mayes, SVP Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Albertsons
How to Reap the Benefits of the BigHR 2021 Event Even if You Missed Out Attending Live
With the results people are buzzing about…
With the continued comments I get about HR Leaders receiving ongoing inspiration as they watch the replays any time they need a boost…
And knowing that just because you couldn’t attend live, you still want and need the energizing and actionable benefits from these 12 talks…
I had to find a way to help those who missed out.
You now know the TED-style talks were a radical success with immense value, so…
From now until the end of Cyber Monday, I am offering the perfect solution for the ongoing inspiration you need:
On Demand Access to BigHr 2021 TED* Talks
Claim access to the inspiration, the action steps, the high value content, and more. Do it on your schedule and as often as you need it.
Your On-Demand BigHR Access includes:
- The same 12 Inspirational HR TED* Talks that created all the buzz
- Keynote Speaker Carly Patterson’s Talk (if you sign up before Black Friday)
Total Original Value: $997
On Demand Access Price : $97 USD

Act Fast or Get Left Behind…Again
You missed out on the incredible benefits once, don’t let it happen again - especially when you can absorb the inspiration, the connection, the actionable items all on your schedule.
This offer is for you. It’s a reward for the hard work, the sacrifices, the stress you’ve endured…
That path is worn out.
Choose to reshape the direction of the coming months and act now on this limited time offer.