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Stand Out: How to Build Your Leadership Presence (on-line) with Carol Kinsey Goman

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

International keynote speaker and speaker coach Carol Kinsey Goman helps managers prepare for senior positions (including board readiness) by increasing leadership presence. 

She defines this as "the ability to influence and impact others by projecting confidence, composure, connection and charisma."

Carol shares how to build your leadership presence on-line in this short 20 minute special vlog interview. Click above to get the most valuable tips for connecting and engaging your team in our virtual world.


You can learn more about how to increase leadership presence in her new book:

Stand Out: How to Build Your Leadership Presence




Cindy Lu

ps. Make sure you white list my email as we will be announcing our Members only Special Interest Pop-up (SIP) Groups shortly. The first group will be focused on taking taking action on your DEI&B initiatives!

Request an invite to the BigHR Event the 2nd Friday each September.

For CHROs, CPOs and direct reports


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